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"Ретроспектива продвижения бэкдора в пакет xz"
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. "Ретроспектива продвижения бэкдора в пакет xz" +/
Сообщение от Аноним (263), 01-Апр-24, 23:06 
Таких, как эти Jigar Kumar и Hans Jansen — да. Ты открой почитай, там super-sus. Никто, звать никак, вчера зарегался, credibility 0, влетает в лист рассылки с абсолютно неконструктивной критикой.

>Progress will not happen until there is new maintainer. XZ for C has sparse  commit log too. Dennis you are better off waiting until new maintainer happens or fork yourself. Submitting patches here has no purpose these days. The  current maintainer lost interest or doesn't care to maintain anymore. It is sad to see for a repo like this.
> With your current rate, I very doubt to see 5.4.0 release this year. The only progress since april has been small changes to test code. You ignore the many patches bit rotting away on this mailing list. Right now you choke your repo. Why wait until 5.4.0 to change maintainer? Why delay what your repo needs?

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Ретроспектива продвижения бэкдора в пакет xz, opennews, 30-Мрт-24, 12:57  [смотреть все]
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