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"Выпуск FreeBSD 12.4"
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. "Выпуск FreeBSD 12.4" +1 +/
Сообщение от bOOster (ok), 06-Дек-22, 14:56 
>>> Кто-то может привести пару примеров превосходства сетевой подсистемы во FreeBSD из личного
>>> опыта? Не старее лет хотя бы 3х.
>>> У меня есть некоторые сомнения в возможности увидеть такое влияние на современных
>>> веб проектах и серверах.
>> Netflix
> Вы точно про личный опыт?
> В любом случае повторять мне такое негде и сравнить не получится с
> чем то другим, линков больше 10гбит в моих вебер проектах нет
> к сожалению или счастью
почитай - статья свежая 2022 заметно что к сравнению подошли адекватно, много параметров рассматривают. Работают как с Linux так и с FreeBSD.
Один параграф - "What is the difference between FreeBSD and Linux in terms of Performance?
Both systems perform better than other systems in certain specific areas. FreeBSD has much-reduced network protocol latency than Linux has. This is why streaming giant Netflix chose FreeBSD as its main server operating system. Latency is the amount of time that passes after an interrupt before a processor starts to execute the code necessary to process the interrupt.

Although there is no concrete data to suggest that FreeBSD is superior to Linux in terms of performance, the majority of people who have experience with both operating systems agree that FreeBSD is superior to Linux.

FreeBSD seems substantially quicker and more responsive than the main Linux distributions on the same hardware, including Red Hat, Fedora, Gentoo, Debian, and Ubuntu. Running identical copies of the same server apps on each system revealed a significant performance advantage for FreeBSD over the Linux distributions. FreeBSD is simpler than other operating systems. This enables it to work as intended, which ultimately leads to its performance is significantly improved across the board.

Linux, on the other hand, offers superior speed and performance when native programs are executed. As Linux is far more application-centric than FreeBSD will ever be and has hardware support from companies such as IBM and Intel, Linux computers often execute their programs somewhat quicker than their BSD equivalents."

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Выпуск FreeBSD 12.4, opennews, 06-Дек-22, 08:42  [смотреть все]
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